Have you ever had a professional massage? The feeling of those strong fingers working the tension out of your every muscles is incomparable. Not only does it feel ridiculously good, but it actually has tons of benefits for you. You can get any variety of massages, each one for a specific treatment or ailment that you may be experiencing. You can go to a hot stone spa for hot stone treatment such as hot stone massage Sydney. Or for the mother to be, a pregnancy massage sydney. And for those with general health problems, a lymphatic drainage massage Sydney is just the trick.
Several studies have found that there is a link between receiving a massage and having better sleep. This theory is attributed to the affect a massage has on the delta waves of the brain, the waves that are connected to a deep sleep in people. Regular massages can also reduce the frequency and potency of migraines in a person, alleviating the pain. And it is not just the pain of a migraine, but a regular massage will also help to ease joint and muscle pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and nausea in cancer patients.
A study was done on women who received bi weekly massages for only five weeks (that is ten massages, for those of you struggling with the math), and it found that the stress hormones of cortisol and norepinephrine were reduced, and the happy hormones such as serotonin and dopamine saw an increase. For a hot stone treatment, the idea is that the direct heat of the stones will relax the muscles. This allows for the therapist practicing the hot stone treatment to access deeper into the muscle layers, making for a more intense, fulfilling feeling to the massage.
It does not matter if you are pregnant, sick, are super sore from a rousing game of cribbage, or even have cancer. Or if you are the pinnacle of health incarnate. A massage will always feel great and have underlying health benefits for you to enjoy. Treat yourself. Go to a spa. Find out more here: www.healthheaven.com.au
the last time i went to a spa was just after my son was born. let me tell you, if there is a time when you need to get rid of some stress, it is after you have pushed out an eight pound water melon. and boy did it work.
i bought my husband a certificate to a spa. he is on a road crew and pours asphalt all day. one of the hardest parts of that job. he bristled at the gift at first, but came back happier and more relaxed than i had ever seen him
i bought my husband a certificate to a spa. he is on a road crew and pours asphalt all day. one of the hardest parts of that job. he bristled at the gift at first, but came back happier and more relaxed than i had ever seen him
i bought my husband a certificate to a spa. he is on a road crew and pours asphalt all day. one of the hardest parts of that job. he bristled at the gift at first, but came back happier and more relaxed than i had ever seen him
i bought my husband a certificate to a spa. he is on a road crew and pours asphalt all day. one of the hardest parts of that job. he bristled at the gift at first, but came back happier and more relaxed than i had ever seen him
i bought my husband a certificate to a spa. he is on a road crew and pours asphalt all day. one of the hardest parts of that job. he bristled at the gift at first, but came back happier and more relaxed than i had ever seen him
i bought my husband a certificate to a spa. he is on a road crew and pours asphalt all day. one of the hardest parts of that job. he bristled at the gift at first, but came back happier and more relaxed than i had ever seen him