Using SEO Today

Over the past 10 to twenty years, the advancements in technology have merely changed the way people live out each day. In some ways, these changes have made things more difficult, but that is for the people who refuse to adapt and learn, but for most they have made things much easier. The number one thing society has gained from these advancements is the internet, and that is consistent with almost all aspects of life.

When it comes to the business world, the internet has grown to provide an endless amount of tools for companies to use to get their products and services out there. This is most useful in the areas of marketing because now people are constantly connected, which means its easier for companies to reach out to their costumers as well as new customers too.

There is a common misconception out there that social media is the best form of advertising right now, but this is far from the truth. although sites like Facebook and Twitter have made it extremely easy to reach out to more people, nothing comes close to the benchmark SEO benchmarking results from users across search engines like Google. Benchmark SEO graders she the amount of traffic search brings in is beyond any other marketing driver. So looking into using search Engine Optimization for companies is highly recommended right now.

Also, it does not end there, because once you bring a user to a site it is crucial to keep them there or the whole process becomes pointless. Website benchmarking has shown that users will only stay on a site if its entertaining and easy to navigate through, so it important to use website graders to assure your site is up to par. Many website graders will tell you if your site is functioning properly, which is the most important part when creating a site. More on this topic:


  1. I dont understand this SEO stuff! I get that it helps us find what we are looking for on the internet, but how exactly is it done… it sounds so confusing!

  2. I dont understand this SEO stuff! I get that it helps us find what we are looking for on the internet, but how exactly is it done… it sounds so confusing!

  3. I dont understand this SEO stuff! I get that it helps us find what we are looking for on the internet, but how exactly is it done… it sounds so confusing!

  4. I dont understand this SEO stuff! I get that it helps us find what we are looking for on the internet, but how exactly is it done… it sounds so confusing!

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