A Better Smile is Within Reach

Cost of dentures

The field of cosmetic dentistry has expanded by leaps and bounds within the last couple of decades. Since Dr. Paul Keyes first learned about Streptococcus Mutans, the primary cause of tooth decay, in 1960, the dental community has been rapidly adding to its knowledge about every branch of the practice. No longer are we limited to preventative and minor corrective care. Today, we’re able to fix even the pickiest of dental complaints. Want whiter teeth? Teeth bleaching kits can fix that. Missing some or all of your teeth? Dental implants and dentures are an option? Tired of not having straight teeth but don’t want a mouth full of metal? There are now invisible braces.

Whitening Your Teeth

There are a number of teeth whitening options, from at-home teeth bleaching kits to in-office whitening procedures. Most teeth bleaching kits used both in and out of the dentist’s office use a peroxide-based chemistry which produces a bright, white smile through the oxidation process. Some at-home treatments use strips, others use trays, and still others are as simple as a mouth rinse and toothpaste combination. Office treatments usually combine peroxide paste with a UV light. Either way, teeth whitening kits can produce great results at a fairly low cost.

Dentures and Implants

It’s true that dentures have been around for years. In fact, as early as the 16th century, Japan had wooden dentures. Contrary to popular belief, George Washington’s were not made from wood, but from animal teeth, human teeth, ivory, and iron. Today’s dentures are made from synthetic materials, and the cost of dentures has fallen dramatically in recent years, especially since the introduction of implants. Mini dental implants, those with a diameter less than three millimeters, can be used as replacement tooth roots to support a crown, while larger implants can support entire arches of teeth.

Invisible Braces

For adults with malocclusions (improper bites), clear, removable teeth aligners can be used to straighten teeth over the course of about a year. The aligners are custom-fitted to the patient’s teeth and changed out three times to accommodate the changing landscape of the wearers mouth. Only removed for eating and brushing, the aligners have been known to produce excellent results in adults with improper bites.

From teeth bleaching kits to invisible braces, major advances in dentistry have made great smiles available to everyone. The first step toward your best smile and oceans of confidence is a call to your dentist’s office. A happier you is just a phone call away! Find more.


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