Pneumatic torque tools like hydraulic pumps are both hydrostatic and hydrodynamic in nature, making the selection somewhat difficult for some consumers. How do they choose which hydraulic bolt tensioner to pick, which hydraulic torque wrench to choose or which hydraulic nut splitter to purchase? Many allow pneumatic torque tools experts to point them in the right direction. Experts act like manufacturer’s manuals of sorts, giving out whatever information is necessary so consumers can pick the most accurate solutions and products for their specific applications. They even are more beneficial than a manual too since a consumer’s questions can be answered on the spot or within a few minutes.
An expert in pneumatic torque tools will offer lots of practical information for consumers. This information involves everything from installation advice to information on torque bleeding, which occurs when a nut is loosened from a bolt, usually from using the wrong amount of torque to fasten it in the first place. Torque bleeding is most common in the railroad industry but really can occur anywhere. And with important and expensive equipment at play, an expert can help avoid this from ever happening to a consumer. Manufacturer’s instructions detail this information too, since there is good torque wrench calibration information for anyone needing to tighten a high tensile bolt connection on pneumatic torque tools. More importantly, an expert will cover information on the deterioration of bolts, which is a serious problem particularly for uses where there is dampness or wetness.
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