Looking to Hire Quality Sales People?

Executive search firm

There are over 22 million sales professionals in North America alone. Interestingly, careers in sales are not the safest careers, as sales team turnover rates are among the highest of all employee turnover rates in all fields across the country. On that note, hiring sales people can be a bit of a challenge, but executive search groups can come in and link up employees with employers, when applicable.

Sales recruiting firms, for example, offer continuing services like sales management and training. They know what to look for, like intangible qualities such as charisma, adaptability, confidence and enthusiasm. They know what kind of things will lead to a job in sales and what will not work in sales. Sometimes, something as simple as a warm smile and a handshake can go a long way at a sales call.

In terms of hiring a sales rep, selling isn’t the most important thing to look at, especially if you have existing sales reps who can assist in the training and mentoring of new recruits. At the end of the day, if you are having trouble keeping employees, using a recruitment firm might be smart.

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